What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage and What Conditions Can It Treat?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a special type of massage that intends to remove fluid build-up in your body. Your body’s lymphatic system is a part of your immune system, responsible for carrying fluid which contains proteins, water, and salts to your blood.

In instances where the lymphatic system does not work properly, fluid build-up can happen which results in swelling of the area where the fluid gets built up.

So, let’s see some conditions that can be treated through lymphatic drainage massage.


Lymphedema is a condition where your body experiences swelling due to the build-up of fluid between muscle and skin. This is the main condition that is treated through lymphatic drainage massage.

This condition is caused by a blockage of lymphatic systems, which can be the result of damage during cancer treatment or removal of lymph nodes during surgery. If you notice extreme swelling along with pain in your arms and legs, then get a check-up immediately to properly diagnose for Lymphedema.


Lipedema is a condition where excess body fat starts accumulating in both legs and other lower body parts like hips. This condition is mostly seen in women and causes leg pain due to swollen skin being easily bruised. Lipedema is a chronic condition and lasts for a long time.

It requires a lot of care, which is where lymphatic drainage massage comes into the picture. Lymphatic drainage massage helps reduce fatty fluid build-up which reduces the swelling in your body.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Chronic Venous Insufficiency is a condition where the veins in your legs are unable to pump your blood back to your heart. This can cause the blood to flow backward, which results in the blood vessels present in your legs bursting and causing the skin to become reddish and swollen.

Lymphatic drainage massage can help reduce the symptoms and pain caused by this condition by preventing blood from pooling in your legs.


Edema is a condition where fluid gets trapped in your body tissues, mostly present in your ankles and legs but can affect other body parts as well. This condition is common in pregnant women and old people above the age of 65 years.

So, if you notice a feeling of being full in your swollen body parts and difficulty in walking due to swelling in your legs and ankles, a lymphatic drainage massage will help to alleviate this issue.

Sinus Congestion

Normal sinus congestion is easily relieved through lymphatic drainage massage which is specifically applied to your sinuses to promote drainage in your sinus passage.


Lymphatic drainage massage is a non-invasive procedure that helps to promote drainage in your body to improve the immune system and reduce swelling and inflammation. So, if you are looking to get a lymphatic drainage massage in Richmond Hill, visit Glow Med Clinic today. Glow Med Clinic is a reputable cosmetic clinic providing cosmetic work using the most reliable methods.

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