Micro-needling Treatment, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a “medical cosmetic procedure where very fine needles puncture the skin to various depths to cause a controlled injury and induce the skin to make more collagen, resulting in a clearer complexion.”
When done right using high-quality micro-needling devices and products, micro-needling becomes one of the most cost-effective modalities for skin resurfacing, sagging skin, wrinkles, acne scars, pigmentation, stretch marks, fine lines, and other common skin concerns. In simple words, micro-needling works on signs of aging. The benefits of micro-needling are experienced by people with different skin types and skin conditions.
1 hour microneedling with hyaluronic acid has evolved with therapeutic concentrations of TSC, a patented anti-inflammatory ingredient,microneedling with Epicutis Lipid Serum delivers an instant dose of relief for dry, stressed, sensitive, and reactive skin-PLUS proven healthy skin benefits that build over time. Microneedling includes cleansing, numbing the skin, concentrated serum Infusion with Epicutis Lipid serum, Masking with Epicutis recovery mask, and Post-care kit along with many other creams and serums. The treatment takes a maximum of 90 minutes to complete.
Glow Med Clinic based in Richmond Hill is devoted to providing you with reliable cosmetic treatments by utilizing the most trusted methods possible.