Lymphatic Drainage Massage: Is it right for me? How do I know if it is working?

Thanks to God for giving us a body that works like a factory and performs all the functions properly with the help of various body organs! But, sometimes, due to

Thanks to God for giving us a body that works like a factory and performs all the functions properly with the help of various body organs! But, sometimes, due to certain diseases or health problems, our body becomes unable to carry out these functions perfectly. At such times, professionals often recommend seeking massage therapy to get much-needed relief because it can help improve the circulation of blood in the affected area.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage is one of the best and effective massages that you can consider when facing some health issues, such as swelling, lymphedema, skin disorders, fibromyalgia, or another condition.

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a type of mild massage that usually enforces the lymph fluid from the whole body towards the heart which, in turn, helps relieve painful swelling. It is also known as Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage.

Generally, our lymphatic system takes the lymph and sends it back to the heart through the web of lymph nodes and lymph vessels. But when something disturbs this lymphatic system procedure, lymph stores in your arms and legs, causing them to swell.

During this massage, a massage therapist gently treats the affected area to move lymph fluid from tissues to the part that allows it to further move through lymph vessels. The swollen part is typically treated by using proven upper body or lower body lymphatic drainage massage techniques depending on where you are facing the problem of painful swelling.

Who can go for Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Many health issues require lymphatic drainage massage, such as swelling with pain in your arms and legs that is caused by lymphedema which often impacts people recovering from breast cancer surgery.

Apart from lymphedema, fibromyalgia, skin disorders, fatigue, insomnia, stress, digestive problems, and arthritis are some health conditions in which lymphatic drainage massage shows very effective results.

But, in some situations, people should not take this massage without a doctor’s recommendation. For instance, this massage should be avoided by people who are suffering from some heart disease, blood clots problems, kidney disease, or any other infection.

How do I know if the lymphatic drainage massage is working?

Reduction of the swelling on the specific area is a major sign of the wonderful outcome of lymphatic drainage massage. People who receive lymphatic drainage massage to treat fibromyalgia can notice relief in stiffness and feel relaxation and improvement in their health status.

In addition to receiving lymphatic drainage massage, you can boost your lymphatic system to clear away more fluid by:

  • drinking more water
  • doing physical exercise regularly
  • intake of a healthy diet
  • staying away from processed food

By following these tips and getting this massage regularly, you can easily recover from your health issues and improve the circulation of lymph throughout the body.

Every person needs a healthy lymphatic system to ensure overall wellbeing and health. So, if you are struggling with a disease or condition linked with the lymphatic system, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or physical therapist about getting lymphatic drainage massage therapy.

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